Our company carefully monitors the involvement of staff in such topics as environmental safety, energy efficiency and health care. We have developed a special policy for this direction.
Company staff must understand the responsibility associated with working in our field, not to neglect the safety of the environment and to comply with safety standards. Every employee of our company undertakes to:
All of our employees and contractors strive for continuous development in the areas of environmental safety and employee health.
Our activities must comply with applicable laws on labor protection, safety and environmental protection.
The risks inherent in our business must be identified, evaluated and eliminated in order to avoid accidents and / or to minimize their consequences.
New projects must comply with legislation and include best health and environmental safety practices throughout their life cycle.
Our manufacturing processes must be carried out in accordance with established regulations and with the use of appropriate equipment and personal protective equipment, which have been tested and are in proper conditions to ensure compliance with the requirements for environmental health and safety.
Temporary or permanent changes should be evaluated in order to eliminate and / or minimize the risks arising from their implementation.
The principles and indicators of the contractor, supplier or partner in the field of labor protection and the environment should be comparable with the indicators and principles of our company.
Training, education and awareness raising must be carried out continuously in order to reinforce the desire of employees to develop in the field of environmental health and safety.
Information and knowledge related to environmental health and safety must be accurate, up-to-date and documented to facilitate their use.
Information on the health and safety of the environment should be presented in a clear, objective and easily accessible form.
Emergencies should be provided and handled quickly and efficiently to minimize their effects as much as possible.
We must ensure the safety of the community in which we operate, and inform it of the impacts and / or risks that may arise from our activities.
Accidents and incidents resulting from our activities should be examined, investigated and documented to avoid recurrence and / or minimization of their consequences.
We must ensure the safety of our products for the health and safety of the environment, starting from the place of development and ending with the point of sale, and also make every effort to continuously reduce the impact we can have.
There is a need to continuously improve safety and environmental performance at all levels to ensure progress in these areas.